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(ORA Plus Nutrition &Well-being Center)  نرحب بكم في

بتوقيعك على هذه الورقة فأنت توافق على الالتزام بهذه الشروط والأحكام, وفي حال عدم موافقتك على الشروط والأحكام يتعين عليك عدم التوقيع

الشروط والأحكام

.1 ان جميع المعلومات الشخصية والطبية المعطاة من قبل المشترك هي صحيحة و مطابقة للواقع وبخلاف ذلك يتحمل المسوؤلية

.2 هذه الخدمة متوفرة لمن اتم الثامنة عشرة من عمره, يمكن لمن هم دون الثامنة عشر من العمر حجز المواعيد عن طريق أولياء أمورهم أو الأوصياء عليهم

.3 أي معلومات شخصية يزودنا بها المشترك سوف تعامل وفقاً لسياسة الخصوصية والسرية الموجودة لدينا

.4 سوف يتم تقديم الاستشارة في الوقت المتفق عليه عند حجز الزيارة وبعد سداد الرسوم

.5 إن مجرد الولوج لهذه الخدمة والتوقيع على هذه الاتفاقية يعتبر موافقة من المشترك على الشروط والأحكام المتعلقة بالخدمة

.6 الموافقة على أن يتم حفظ معلومات المشترك بالخدمة لدى السجلات في المركز

.7 في حال تم الغاء الزيارة من قبل المركز لأي سبب، فسيقوم المركز بإعادة جدولة وقت الزيارة في أقرب وقت ممكن وبناء على الوقت المناسب للمشترك

.8 لا تخضع الرسوم المدفوعة لسياسة الارجاع او الاستبدال باي خدمة اخرى

.9 في حال قام المشترك بإلغاء الزيارة قبل موعدها، فسيتم تحديد موعد جديد، شرط أن يتم هذا الإلغاء قبل 24 ساعة من موعد الزيارة المحدد

.10 لا يجوز نقل الاشتراك من شخص لاخر سواء بشكل كامل او جزئي

.11 ان الاشتراك يتيح للمشترك اربعة زيارات خلال الشهر الواحد و لا يجوز ترحيل هذه الزيارات الى الشهر الذي يليه, حيث تنتهي الاربع زيارات بنهاية الشهر, وكذلك ينطبق على الاشتراكات التي تكون لمدة شهرين او ثلاثة اشهر او اكثر حيث يخصص لكل شهر اربعة زيارات فقط وتنتهي بنهاية الشهر

.12 يحق للمشترك ايقاف اشتراكه (freeze) لمدة ثلاثة اشهر فقط على ان يتم الابلاغ عن الايقاف اثناء فترة سريان الاشتراك وقبل انتهاءه وفي حال عدم المراجعة بعد مرور شهر من انتهاء فترة الايقاف يعتبر الاشتراك لاغي ويفقد المشترك حقه بالرسوم المدفوعة

.13 في حال تغيب المشترك لاكثر من شهرين متواصلين دون عمل ايقاف مسبق يعتبر اشتراكه لاغي ويفقد حقه بالرسوم المدفوعة

.14 من المتفق عليه ان فحص الجينات يحتاج الى شهر عمل لصدور النتيجة

.15 مركزنا متخصص فقط في تحليل الجينات من ناحية الغذاء و الحمية الغذائية و المكملات الغذائية فقط

.16 لا يتحمل المركز اية مسوؤلية وتعتبر جميع مواعيد الاستشارات مؤجلة في حال حدوث امر طارئ او في حالة التعطيل من قبل الجهات الرسمية

.17 في حال قيام المركز بعمل العروض على الاشتراكات و فحوصات تحليل الجينات فانها تسري من تاريخ بداية العرض المعلن عنه وتنتهي بتاريخ انتهائه المعلن عنه , ولا يشمل العرض اي اشتراك سابق او لاحق لتاريخ بداية العرض او نهايته

.18 موافقة المشترك على منح المعلومات المطلوبة وتلقي الاستشارة مدفوعه من خلال الهاتف أو رسالة الكترونية و/أو عبر أي سائل الالكترونية

وشكرا لحسن تعاونكم

Terms and Conditions

1. All personal and medical information given by the subscriber must be real and matches reality otherwise the subscriber will be responsible.

2. This service is available for those at 18 . For subscribers under 18 , appointments will be booked only by parents or custodians.

3. Any personal information provided by the subscriber will be treated according to our privacy and confidential policy.

4. Counseling will be provided on due time when a visit is booked and after fees payment.

5. Once obtaining this service and assigning the agreement, the subscriber approval will be considered upon according to terms and conditions related to this service.

6. Subscribers approval to maintain their personal data in records at the center is required.

7. In case the visit is cancelled by the center due to any reason, the center will reschedule the visit time as soon as possible according to the subscriber convenient time.

8. Fees paid are not subjected to returns or exchanges with any other service.

9. In case the visit is cancelled by the subscriber before due time, a new appointment will be fixed provided that this is cancelled before 24 hours from due time agreed upon.

10. The subscription can’t be transferred from one person to another entirely or partially.

11. Subscription allows the subscriber four visits a month and this can’t be transferred to next month as these four visits end by the end of the month. This also applied on two, three or more monthly visits where allocates only four visits during a month ending by the end of the month.

12. A subscriber has the right to freeze his or her subscription only for three months and only during the subscription period and before it ends and in case of not reviewing after one month of freezing period , the subscription will be canceled and the subscriber looses his or her right to the fees paid.

13. In case of subscriber’s absence for more than two successive months without applying the freezing service, the subscription will be considered canceled and the fees paid will not be returned.

14. It is agreed upon that the genetic testing requires a month work until results are shown.

15. Our center is specialized only in gene analysis according to food, diet and food supplements in particular.

16. In case of any emergency situation or any vacation given by official authorities, our center will not take any responsibility and all the consultations and appointments will be considered delayed.

17. In case the center makes offers on subscriptions and genes analysis, it will be valid from the offers advertised start time and will end according to the time advertised. This offer does not include any previous or post subscription for the start or end time of the offer.

18. Subscriber’s approval to provide required information and receiving consultations is paid through mobile, SMS or any other electronic means.

Thank You For Your Corporation





Welcome to ORA Plus DNA testing Life Sciences Limited (ORA Plus DNA).

This Consent Document gives you control of your journey with us by providing you with the key information that you will need in making decisions about using ORA Plus DNA Services.

Please read this document carefully in conjunction with our Terms of Service www.inspiringqualityoflife.com and Privacy Policy. Any terms that we don’t define in this document are defined in our Terms of Service. Please contact hello@inspiringqualityoflife.com if you have any queries.


1.Depending on the ORA Plus-DNA product you have purchased, your results could reveal everything from your training intensity response, aerobic trainability and recovery capacity, to a detailed breakdown of your macro- and micronutrient needs, diet type recommendations, and caffeine and alcohol sensitivities. These will allow you to make genetically informed choices for your lifestyle.

2.Our laboratory will take care of the sample analysis from the saliva test. Once complete, we will use the genetic variants we need to create our product. We then do the interpretation on those variants to create your report.

3.Your report will be available within one month from receipt of your sample. The information contained within your reports cannot be used as specific medical or diagnostic advice, but rather provides you with information to better understand wellness traits associated with your genotype. Furthermore, ORA Plus-DNA do not provide any information about your ancestry.

If you have any specific concerns related to health status, genetic testing or lifestyle changes in relation to your own personal health then please consult with a qualified healthcare professional.


ORA Plus-DNA, being a registered organization, will take reasonable measures to keep your information safe in accordance with our principles.

Your information will only be shared with you and ORA Plus labs.

We will ask you to give us Personal Information as detailed in the Privacy www.inspiringqualityoflife.com for account registration, user verification .We rely on the accuracy of information and while we do our best to ensure the information we hold is up to date, we ask that you contact us if any of your information changes.

Your Personal and Genetic Information will be stored on our secure EU database all the time your account remains active or until such a time that we decide it is no longer required. You may request for us to close your account at any time and request for your data to be deleted.

Accounts will be closed within 30 days upon request. All Personal and Genetic Information will be deleted from your account, the ORA Plus-DNA database and Data Processor systems, except data relating to order history for accounting purposes and information required to meet legal or regulatory obligations. You may request details on the data that we must retain.

All Data Processors will be instructed to delete any information stored unless subject to the above exceptions, and your Genetic Information will not be used in any new R&D after your account is closed.

Your information will not be used for any other purpose than as described in this Consent Document and our Privacy Policy, or shared without further consent being obtained from you unless required by law enforcement or regulators.

Information Security - When you send data over the internet, it is not always 100% secure, and so there is a risk of a security event. In such event someone could access any information we have from you. This could include Personal and Genetic Information. ORA Plus-DNA will work to prevent such events, but it is also your responsibility to take necessary security precautions when preparing to share information.

You are equally responsible for maintaining the privacy of your own information by taking precautions such as keeping your login credentials private, using secure networks and being careful when sharing your information. You are responsible for all activities that happen under your password and account.


We will use the information you give to us in product ‘R&D’ (Research and Development) to enhance the ORA Plus-DNA Services, the quality of the products and the customer journey. Information for this purpose will be used only within ORA Plus-DNA and will be de-identified. Our analytics for this will include but not be limited to web behavior, product acquisition, user demographics, campaign results and complaints.

ORA Plus-DNA practices, processes and procedures are closely monitored to ensure that we operate and comply with the principles of our policies, address any known risks and improve quality control within the organization.

As a user of ORA Plus-DNA, you must let us use your information for quality assurance and auditing if required.


The purpose of the ORA Plus-DNA service is to give you the power to use your Genetic Information to explore personalized solutions to reach your fitness and nutritional goals. We aim to give you further understanding of your own macro- and micronutrient needs, your response to power or endurance exercise and recovery speed and sports injury risk.

Genetics is only one part of the picture, and so the value comes from understanding your genetic profile so that you can make sustainable changes that support your own goals, lifestyle and environment.


When entering into agreement to use any of the ORA Plus-DNA Services, you consent to the following statements:

1) I have read, understood and agree to this informed Consent Document, the ORA Plus-DNA Privacy Policy and Terms of Service;

2) I acknowledge my awareness of the Risks and Considerations as detailed in the Terms of Service;

3) I acknowledge my awareness of the Order Cancellation and Refund Policy as detailed in the Terms of Service;

4) To use any of the products as described, I understand that the requested test requires me to submit a sample of my DNA, which I willingly agree to do;

5) I give permission to ORA Plus-DNA its contractors, successors and assignees to perform genetic services on my DNA extracted from the saliva sample I provide to disclose my DNA analysis results to me and to other people that I specifically authorize;

6) Before consenting to ORA Plus-DNA, I have the right to refer to a genetic counsellor to help me decide if the product is right for me. They can also help me understand my results. I also have the right to speak with another healthcare professional about my results;

7) I agree to: (a) immediately notify ORA Plus-DNA t of any use of my password or account that has not been authorized; and (b) exit from my account after each session;

8) During inbound and outbound contact with ORA Plus-DNA verification procedures will be followed to identify me;

9) I may submit any queries, feedback or complaints to hello@inspiringqualityoflife.com or directly to the approved Reseller used to purchase my ORA Plus-DNA kit.

10) I have the right to see the information ORA Plus-DNA holds about me, to update incorrect or incomplete details, to object or restrict processing, request you share it with another party, to close my account and make complaints to your organization or the supervisory authority;

11) My data may be used in an anonymised aggregated format for internal analytics and development to enable ORA Plus-DNA to understand consumer activity and improve our services, policies and procedures. (Note: ORA Plus-DNA will not conduct any Research using an individual or their data specifically without separate consent);

Signature: _______________________________

Date: ___________________________________

Any questions? Get in touch

+962 7 9745 3226 - hello@inspiringqualityoflife.com





Welcome to ORA Plus DNA testing Life Sciences Limited (ORA Plus DNA).

This Consent Document gives you control of your journey with us by providing you with the key information that you will need in making decisions about using ORA Plus DNA Services.

Please read this document carefully in conjunction with our Terms of Service www.inspiringqualityoflife.com and Privacy Policy. Any terms that we don’t define in this document are defined in our Terms of Service. Please contact hello@inspiringqualityoflife.com if you have any queries.


1.Depending on the ORA Plus-DNA product you have purchased, your results could reveal everything from your training intensity response, aerobic trainability and recovery capacity, to a detailed breakdown of your macro- and micronutrient needs, diet type recommendations, and caffeine and alcohol sensitivities. These will allow you to make genetically informed choices for your lifestyle.

2.Our laboratory will take care of the sample analysis from the saliva test. Once complete, we will use the genetic variants we need to create our product. We then do the interpretation on those variants to create your report.

3.Your report will be available within one month from receipt of your sample. The information contained within your reports cannot be used as specific medical or diagnostic advice, but rather provides you with information to better understand wellness traits associated with your genotype. Furthermore, ORA Plus-DNA do not provide any information about your ancestry.

If you have any specific concerns related to health status, genetic testing or lifestyle changes in relation to your own personal health then please consult with a qualified healthcare professional.


ORA Plus-DNA, being a registered organization, will take reasonable measures to keep your information safe in accordance with our principles.

Your information will only be shared with you and ORA Plus labs.

We will ask you to give us Personal Information as detailed in the Privacy www.inspiringqualityoflife.com for account registration, user verification .We rely on the accuracy of information and while we do our best to ensure the information we hold is up to date, we ask that you contact us if any of your information changes.

Your Personal and Genetic Information will be stored on our secure EU database all the time your account remains active or until such a time that we decide it is no longer required. You may request for us to close your account at any time and request for your data to be deleted.

Accounts will be closed within 30 days upon request. All Personal and Genetic Information will be deleted from your account, the ORA Plus-DNA database and Data Processor systems, except data relating to order history for accounting purposes and information required to meet legal or regulatory obligations. You may request details on the data that we must retain.

All Data Processors will be instructed to delete any information stored unless subject to the above exceptions, and your Genetic Information will not be used in any new R&D after your account is closed.

Your information will not be used for any other purpose than as described in this Consent Document and our Privacy Policy, or shared without further consent being obtained from you unless required by law enforcement or regulators.

Information Security - When you send data over the internet, it is not always 100% secure, and so there is a risk of a security event. In such event someone could access any information we have from you. This could include Personal and Genetic Information. ORA Plus-DNA will work to prevent such events, but it is also your responsibility to take necessary security precautions when preparing to share information.

You are equally responsible for maintaining the privacy of your own information by taking precautions such as keeping your login credentials private, using secure networks and being careful when sharing your information. You are responsible for all activities that happen under your password and account.


We will use the information you give to us in product ‘R&D’ (Research and Development) to enhance the ORA Plus-DNA Services, the quality of the products and the customer journey. Information for this purpose will be used only within ORA Plus-DNA and will be de-identified. Our analytics for this will include but not be limited to web behavior, product acquisition, user demographics, campaign results and complaints.

ORA Plus-DNA practices, processes and procedures are closely monitored to ensure that we operate and comply with the principles of our policies, address any known risks and improve quality control within the organization.

As a user of ORA Plus-DNA, you must let us use your information for quality assurance and auditing if required.


The purpose of the ORA Plus-DNA service is to give you the power to use your Genetic Information to explore personalized solutions to reach your fitness and nutritional goals. We aim to give you further understanding of your own macro- and micronutrient needs, your response to power or endurance exercise and recovery speed and sports injury risk.

Genetics is only one part of the picture, and so the value comes from understanding your genetic profile so that you can make sustainable changes that support your own goals, lifestyle and environment.


When entering into agreement to use any of the ORA Plus-DNA Services, you consent to the following statements:

1) I have read, understood and agree to this informed Consent Document, the ORA Plus-DNA Privacy Policy and Terms of Service;

2) I acknowledge my awareness of the Risks and Considerations as detailed in the Terms of Service;

3) I acknowledge my awareness of the Order Cancellation and Refund Policy as detailed in the Terms of Service;

4) To use any of the products as described, I understand that the requested test requires me to submit a sample of my DNA, which I willingly agree to do;

5) I give permission to ORA Plus-DNA its contractors, successors and assignees to perform genetic services on my DNA extracted from the saliva sample I provide to disclose my DNA analysis results to me and to other people that I specifically authorize;

6) Before consenting to ORA Plus-DNA, I have the right to refer to a genetic counsellor to help me decide if the product is right for me. They can also help me understand my results. I also have the right to speak with another healthcare professional about my results;

7) I agree to: (a) immediately notify ORA Plus-DNA t of any use of my password or account that has not been authorized; and (b) exit from my account after each session;

8) During inbound and outbound contact with ORA Plus-DNA verification procedures will be followed to identify me;

9) I may submit any queries, feedback or complaints to hello@inspiringqualityoflife.com or directly to the approved Reseller used to purchase my ORA Plus-DNA kit.

10) I have the right to see the information ORA Plus-DNA holds about me, to update incorrect or incomplete details, to object or restrict processing, request you share it with another party, to close my account and make complaints to your organization or the supervisory authority;

11) My data may be used in an anonymised aggregated format for internal analytics and development to enable ORA Plus-DNA to understand consumer activity and improve our services, policies and procedures. (Note: ORA Plus-DNA will not conduct any Research using an individual or their data specifically without separate consent);

Signature: _______________________________

Date: ___________________________________

Any questions? Get in touch

+962 7 9745 3226 - hello@inspiringqualityoflife.com


Terms and conditions

- In case of cancelations,cancelation must happen before 24 hours.Otherwise it will be counted from the subscribed days.

- In case of any aallergies, we must be informed to make sure your order does not contain anything that will be harmful for you.

- Fees paid for food packages are non refundable.

- Package can be transferred to another person as it is.

- If we are not delivering, in case of holidays or any other emergencies.We will notify you 24 hoursbefore.

- Expiry dates are as follow:

1) 2 weeks package_Expiry date 5 weeks from start date

2) 4 weeks package_Expiry date 10 weeks from start date

3) 8 weeks package_Expiry date 20 weeks from start date

Signature: _______________________________

Date: ___________________________________

Any questions? Get in touch

+962 7 9745 3226 - hello@inspiringqualityoflife.com